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Naturopaths practice community „Dreikönig19“

…to our naturopaths practice community “Dreikönig19”. Our premises are centrally and conveniently located in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen near the Dreikönigskirche.

Your health and well-being are important to us. We are here to support you if you seek more inner serenity, contentment and claritiy in your professional and private life.

Discover on these pages who we are and the services we offer.

For English speaking clients we like to offer the following possible treatments:
ear acupuncture,
craniosacral therapy,
ROMPC® (relationship oriented meridian based psychotherapy and counselling and coaching),
natural hormone replacement therapy (NHRT),

Judith Vogler speaks English fluently. If you are interested, please contact her.

Judith Vogler
CranioSacral, Counseling/Therapy

More information

Carmen Scharf
Kinesiologie & Ohrakupunktur

Weitere Informationen

Kirsten Schütte
Darmgesundheit, Beratung/Coaching

Weitere Informationen

Praxisgemeinschaft Dreikönig19
Dreikönigsstr. 19
60594 Frankfurt

Telefon: 069 - 97 69 89 51
Internet: www.dreikoenig19.de
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